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Hear what puppy owners have to say about their Storiline Puppies.

Hi Barbra Ann!
I just wanted to share with you a few pictures I've taken of Dallas since we brought him home. He's the best boy ever and we are all so in love with him. Once again one of your beautiful puppies has brought so much joy, laughter and light into our lives.
Hope all is well!!
Much love, Elysse
Dec 2015

Update on Junior, now known as Storiline's Paddington Bear, photos to come:
Bear slept all the way home. He was fine last night in the bedroom with us without his crate.
Bear was a perfect gentleman in Pet Smart when he went shopping. The gentle leader worked so well I was able to shop easily and Bear didn't bark even when other dogs in the store did. He is such a Teddy Bear!
--Carolyn and Terry
February 2015

Good Day Dr Barb,
I just want to let you know that Ms Purple is a wonderful puppy. We all fell in love with her here at the office and she stayed with me for a couple of weeks, no bathroom accidents, smart, learing sits, down, follow and stays right away. Maggie won first prize at our Open House dressed like a Rock Star”. Maggie is now with her puppy raiser and she is amazed at how she is doing, advanced compared to the lab she raised for us(: If you haven’t seen her dressed up check our NSD FB.
Thank you for your generous donation!
Chris McArthur
Puppy Program Coordinator
National Service Dogs
Sept 2014

Dance is from the June 2013 Kobie & Russell litter. This was a beautiful litter of ten and she was "Miss Purple".
" Dance is doing great. Growing like a weed. She weighs 35 pounds now. She is very loving and cuddly. Complete strangers comment on her beautiful nature and how beautiful looking she is. She loves people and dogs alike but I think dogs are winning out. She has completed puppy pre-school and puppy family dog. (She was a star!) Next week she begins a tricks class. She is so smart, I have to do something to occupy her mind.
On Monday she was spayed -- so now the poor thing has her cone on. Keeping her quiet is not an easy feat. She is doing really well and is anxious to get back out playing and going for her walks.
I have sent you some pictures: Halloween Costume, lazing about the house and her Christmas portrait. Take care and thank you again for Dance. "
Terri-Lynn, Dance & Family
Jan 2014

Here are some updated picture of Gus. Isn't he a handsome boy?! We couldn't be more in love with our little guy and cant believe how fast he is growing. Everyone falls in love with him everywhere we go and we cant even make it to the end of our street without being stopped by everyone walking by wanting to meet him! But how could you resist. He is so sweet and loving and just the happiest little guy! He loves the cottage and is just starting to show interest in the water and he loves playing with our neighbors dog in the backyard. His best friend is a 4 month old golden doodle named Gemma. You should see them together he gets so excited to see her. He is such a good boy and he caught onto potty training almost instantly we were so surprised! He has his crazy puppy moments but he is such a good boy and people always comment on how well behaved and calm he is for a puppy. Having Gus is the best thing that has happened to us and we could not be happier! He even comes into work with me on Fridays and my office loves him! Everyone in the building knows Gus now because people will stop in my office just to visit him. Im so blessed to have a boss that loves Gus and allows me to bring him in to spend the day with everyone. I could not explain how loved Gus is by not only Ty and me but everyone he comes into contact with. We are so lucky to have him as part of our family. Thank you so much for bringing him into our lives. We are just so grateful. I'll send you more pictures from the cottage this weekend and keep you updated.
Becky and Ty
Sept 2014

"When Bruce and I go to visit my mom at the nursing home in Bobcaygeon, it is a given that Fenner goes with us. It is her "golden" disposition that makes her so accepted in the home.
While I am visiting my mom, Bruce and Fenner go and spread cheer and make smiles happen. Since Fenner has no enemies and loves the world, her visit at the home is her just being herself. When Bruce walks her down the hall, she seems to sense which rooms to visit and whom not to visit. When she does visit, there are plenty of licks, tail wags and lots of love. Fenner is always gentle as this is her nature, she loves everyone. The smiles on the residents faces say it all. Goldens rule !!! I hope that my mother lives another ten years and that Fenner can spread her cheer and see the residents' smiles. Fenner may only be 52 pounds, but her love of people and life makes her think she is ninety pounds. She is truly a dog who has been bred to put a smile on your face and make you appreciate what excellent and proper breeding does. March 2011
This smart and accomplished beauty is Fenner from Celeste and Bentley's 2009 litter. She is really enjoying her Agility Classes. " Thought you may enjoy seeing Fenner at work / play. "
December 2013
Bruce, Diana & Fenner

Here is Felix hanging out with Jake. Felix was just placed as a Companion Dog. Jake's mom says the placement is going great so far, and Jake and his sister are enjoying Felix's company ! This pup was donated to National Service Dogs (for autism) by Storiline Kennels and we are so proud of him !!! " July 2013
Here is another update on how well Felix and Jake are doing as of December 2013
My name is Marcy and my son Jacob was given Evan from National Service Dogs in July. Since we have two cats, one named Spot, Jake thought his dog should have a traditional cat name so Evan was renamed Felix -- we hope you don't mind.
... I wanted to let you know how grateful we are that you donated this wonderful furry guy so that we could adopt him. He has made such a huge impact in our home, with Jacob but also with my daughters and husband who were not thrilled with the idea of having a dog at first.
And I've attached a photo from yesterday of Jake hanging with his buddy. Thanks again! "
Marcy, Jake, Felix & Family

Caramel is from the 2012 Celeste x Dibs litter.
" We went to the Hamilton Kennel Club's Show this weekend with handler Peter Scott. Very happy news! Caramel earned two points on Saturday with Franklin Van der Spuy as judge. On Sunday Caramel earned two more points with Conny Otero judging. Just a few more points anad she can be a champion. Wish us luck! "
The Earl Family
June 2013

Tilly was born July 20th, 2012. She was "Miss Red" from the Macy X Mick litter of eight.
" Life is simply wonderful. Tilly is an absolute dream and, as a matter of fact, at this very moment is sleeping at my feet. We walk every morning, noon and evening. When she isn’t getting her exercise walking she wrestles with Olly (our other dog). Tilly enjoyed her check-up visit to her new vet in Toronto and was comfortable enough that she fall asleep during her examination. "
The Wileys
October 2012

Duncan was born July 24th, 2007. He is from the ISIS X NEO litter.
" Just thought I would let you know that we had our first dog show this week. Yesterday Duncan got 2 first places which gave him 2 points for his championship and he did the same today. We are very pleased and proud of him as this was his very first show and we have not had any handling classes. Last week at 4:20 am, someone tried to break into my house and the house next door. Duncan's barking woke me up and as he wouldn't stop barking, he scared the intruder away before he got into the house. He was right at my back door and Duncan was standing on the other side. He is more than worth every penny I have spent on him. Thanks. " July 2009
CHAMPIONSHIP NEWS : " As you know, I purchased Duncan as a pet and did not intend to show him. I just got tired of people stopping me in the street, banging on the car window when we were stopped at a light. So many golden owners telling me how beautiful he was and that I should be showing him. .... Now he has his Champion title ! " April 2010
" Just an update on Duncan's progress. The last three shows he has been in : he won Best of Breed. Last week in Milton, he was pulled in the group and ended up 5th so he is doing well. Thanks for all your guidance and support. " August 2010
"Just sending you this picture of Duncan with TC (the Tiger Cat mascot). It was taken this past weekend at the 'Wiggle Waggle Walk-A-Thon' which is held each year to support the SPCA. Duncan is wearing his white bandana that he was given for raising $100. " September 2011
And ANOTHER STORILINE CHAPTER BEGINS : " Here's a cute shot for you. Caber is settling in quite nicely. He is very clever and is going to be easy to train. He already sits and walks fairly well beside Duncan. At first Duncan's nose was a bit out of joint ...... and, although he is hoping I will leave Caber somewhere, he has accepted that Caber is staying. " March 2012
Shirley with Duncan and Caber

Dash was born February 7th, 2011. He is one of ten puppies from the Celeste X Dibbs litter.
" Dash is a gentle soul and the best friend we could ever ask for. Everyday with him brings a smile to our face and warmth to our hearts. Dash is the life of every party. We can't imagine a cottage weekend or evening get together without him. " December 2011
" On Dash's behalf we want to thank you for the wonderful card and present. It was unexpected. Dash is the most wonderful little guy we could ever ask for. He's so loving and playful and gets along great with most everyone on two legs and four. Attaching some photos of him. Hope you enjoy. "February 2012
Jeff, Kim and Dash

" Hi Barbara-Ann, Mick and I have achieved our goal of becoming the newest team involved with Therapeutic Paws of Canada !
He is such an amazing dog and has already brought so much joy to the retirement home that we are volunteering at in Kingston. I love him to death and am so proud !
Thank you for giving me the dog of my dreams :) "
Laura and Mick
December 2010

" Hi Dr. Barbie, We just wanted to say on Miranda's first birthday how absolutely thrilled we are with her ! She is simply the BEST. Here is a photo of us this summer. She's our girl and we love her dearly as does anyone who has the pleasure of meeting her.
Thanks a bunch ! "
Margo, Per and Miranda
September 2010

" On her first birthday ... Skye is a happy healthy 54.1 lbs. She loves everyone, and all dogs. She definetely did not take after her daddy, as she LOVES water. Her retrieving however has something to be desired - so we are working on that. Attached is one of my favourite photos of our girl. Enjoy and congratulations again to you both on the first birthday of these puppies :). "
Fiona, Kevin and Skye
September 2010

" Hi Barb, A beautiful photo of Hamish ( born November 20th, 2008 ). His sire Charlie Griffis and his Dam Animations Storiline Christmas.
He is one wonderful dog and a great companion, everyone wants to adopt him. Thanks for letting us buy one from the litter. "
Val and Hamish
July 2010

" Just a short note with a couple of pics of Lily who was born back in November of 2008. She has turned out to be a real beauty with a lovely "Golden" temperament. She is one of the family and can't stand to be away from her "kids." Thanks again for Lily !! "
The MacMillans from St. Thomas
March 2010

"We thought you might like a photo of Hank, as he's about to turn six months old (Neo & Celeste). He's just completed his puppy training and he was top of his class. The instructor said she'd never had a puppy that picked up so quickly on commands. You can be very proud ! He is well loved and we're extremely happy to have him in our home. "
Chris on behalf of Hank and his family
March 2010

" Just thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you know that Cooper is growing like a little weed and has settled in just fine. You'd never know that he ever lived anywhere else. He has slept through the night ever since we brought him home, never whines when he's in his crate, is playful and loving and funny. ....... Our puppy classes start next week but he loves everyone, man and beast alike, so he should be good to go. Thanks so much for choosing us for a puppy he's a doll and everyone loves him ! "
Jen, Shaun and Cooper
February 2008